Thursday, November 24, 2011

Learning to follow

Leading is a loaded word. It can be a good thing. Like you lead a project, lead a country or lead a revolution. It can be a bad thing. Like you lead someone on. I am learning that in dance, as a woman, leading is not a good thing. I have always liked to dance. Even at every high school dance, where I waited eagerly for someone one to ask me to dance and no one did, I made a decision that would forever shape my destiny. I decided to stop waiting and start doing So I started to dance, with my friends or even just by myself. I love going to weddings, holiday parties and especially parties in Quebec, where it doesn't matter how old you are or if you can dance, everyone dances. I love coming home and putting music on and dancing while I make dinner. So with this enthusiasm, I decided to learn how to dance, more specifically salsa.

My salsa class is set in a gym. Six men and six women mingle until the music starts and then we attempt to follow the teacher. My body wants to move but I must wait. I must wait to be moved or lead by the man I am dancing with. My eagerness has gotten the best of me and I start to lead or at least that is what I am told. I think sometimes it is true but I also consider that the man does not know how to lead. So to stop leading, the teacher has asked me to dance with my eyes closed, so that I need to pay attention to his movement, his lead.

Essentially I am learning it is all about trust. The more you are open and the more you trust the better you are as a dancer, and I am going to argue, the better you are as a person. A good leader, like a dancer, knows the balance of when to lead and when to follow.

So I am dancing with my eyes closed ...Now if I only can stop dancing into walls :)

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